Contributor Guidelines

Thank you for your interest in Daily Development.

We welcome posts from our partners, think tanks, donors, policymakers, advocates, journalists, and others. Interested in contributing? Here’s a guide to the process:

What we publish

We are looking for contributions covering all aspects of global development in a variety of written, visual, and audio formats. We post stories, poetry, quotes, photos, graphics, videos, and music.

In general, posts should be created for a wide audience (i.e. no jargon or technical language) and should stick to one topic or idea.

How to submit

If you have an idea, please send a short summary through the contact page. Please be aware that ideas for contributor posts are not automatically accepted for publication. If your idea is a good fit for Daily Development, we’ll send you a template for submitting the full post.

A few tips

Following these “best practices” will help you develop a compelling post:

  • Provide a short (5-8 word) title that will grab readers’ attention
  • Incorporate multimedia features including videos, photos, and infographics
  • Be concise and scannable: highlight keywords, use sub-headers and bullet lists
  • Include hyperlinks to other sites, blogs, and partner organizations
  • Encourage interaction with a clear call to action—ask readers to post their thoughts, sign a pledge, or share on social media
  • Optimize your post for search engines by identifying and using the key words or phrases you think people would use to search this topic

Timeframe and technical requirements

Accepted Contributor posts should be submitted at least 72 hours in advance of the publishing date.

Contributor posts should meet the following standards:

  • Written posts can be from 100 to 800 words (shorter is often better)
  • Photos—work best at 570 pixels wide by 370 pixels high.
  • Videos will need to be uploaded to YouTube and then we can embed on Daily Development. We request that all video should be no longer than two minutes in length and preferably in an mp4 or another YouTube friendly format.