25 August 2015
Contributor post
Migrant superheroes—a photo journey

DD: What motivated you to document migrant workers as superheroes?

DP: In the early 2000s, there was a resurgence of superhero movies in the United States of America. I wanted to revert that idea and make society turn attention to immigrants and think of them in a more positive way. My superheroes represent the reality of who and what should be seen as the backbone of the United States of America.

DD: How did you find your superheroes?

DP: My subjects came from different areas of my life: some superheroes were my students, some I worked with to help improve their working conditions, some I encountered over the years and some by destiny. Some I approached in a more direct manner, while with others, I waited until they saw images so they could have an idea of what I was doing.

DD: What do you hope people take away from your photographs?

DP: Because photography has been my tool of expression, the ideas I have can be accomplished by the use of that tool. Why photography? I don’t know, but this is a recurrent theme in my life since I was little. It feels comfortable. Quite honestly, I am not trying very hard to make my ideas a big discourse about anything in particular or to create any specific awareness or movement toward social change. I am just a person trying to communicate my ideas, enjoying very much the act of creating images that make me feel I have a voice. Perhaps I am able to make people reflect or laugh or enjoy and that is very nice, especially when my intention is not precisely that.

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Dulce Pinzón

Dulce Pinzón was born in Mexico City in 1974. She studied Mass Media Communications at the Universidad de Las Americas in Puebla Mexico and Photography at Indiana University in Pennsylvania, United States of America. In 1995 she moved to New York where she studied at the International Center of Photography. Her work has been published and collected internationally, and she has been awarded several prizes, grants and fellowships in recognition of her talent.


Her book The real story of the superheroes was published in 2012 in three languages (English, Spanish and French) by Editorial RM with the support of the Cultural Co-inversion programme of FONCA, Mexico’s National Fund for Culture and Arts. Dulce is a recipient of Mexico’s prestigious Endowment of the Arts SNCA/FONCA fellowship (2014–2017). She lives and works in both Mexico and New York.

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