04 September 2015
Partner post
Water, Climate, Energy Intertwined with Fight Against Poverty in Central America

Central America’s toolbox to pull 23 million people—almost half of the population—out of poverty must include three indispensable tools: universal access to water, a sustainable power supply, and adaptation to climate change.

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03 September 2015
Contributor post
Anatomy of a campaign: UN Women’s HeForShe

Launched in 2014, HeForShe is UN Women’s global campaign to engage men and boys in removing the social and cultural barriers that prevent women and girls from achieving their potential. Focused on generating online and offline action, HeForShe has experienced strong backing from a range of supporters, like heads of state, politicians, celebrities, and community and business leaders, and garnered more than 300 000 signatures from men who have committed to advocate the campaign’s message of equality. Daily Development interviewed HeForShe Head Elizabeth Nyamayaro of UN Women to learn more about the campaign.

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02 September 2015
Partner post
A rights based approach to responsible data

Oxfam has published a new Responsible Data Policy, which focuses on its commitment to treat the programme data it collects with respect and to uphold the rights of those who the data are about.

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01 September 2015
Contributor post
Illiteracy: a worldwide crisis

Illiteracy has serious consequences for people and society, and particularly affects women. We speak to Andrew Kay, Founder and Chief Executive Officer of the World Literacy Foundation, about the crisis, the cost of which is estimated to be US$ 1.2 trillion each year.

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31 August 2015
Partner post
Poverty and Slavery Often Go Hand-in-Hand for Africa’s Children

Despite the United Nations’ Millennium Development Goal of eradicating extreme poverty and hunger, African children still stand as the number one victims of suffering and destitution across the continent.

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28 August 2015
Partner post
How did Viet Nam's schools outperform those of many developed countries?

Viet Nam, a newcomer to the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) in 2012, scored higher than the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) average and outperformed many developed economies, leaving many experts to wonder how they did so.

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