27 August 2015
Contributor post
The International Organization for Migration and #MigrantHeroes

Today we interview Itayi Viriri, from the International Organization for Migration (IOM). He speaks to us about the #MigrantHeroes campaign, why the IOM mission is as relevant today as it was when it was first created and why he loves his job.

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26 August 2015
Partner post
Expanding and improving the quality of girls’ education in Afghanistan

Afghanistan illustrates how a country emerging from decades of war and in a continued state of conflict can have, together with its donors, a will to prioritize education. Afghanistan is a success story in increased availability of education and in the number of children attending school, girls included.

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25 August 2015
Contributor post
Migrant superheroes—a photo journey

At the beginning of 2015, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) launched a social media campaign to offer different perspectives on migrants and migration, as well as to counter misinformation and promote effective migration policies. The campaign #MigrantHeroes highlights the many ways in which migrants positively contribute to their home countries and new host communities, from remittances to cultural exchanges.
Long before IOM’s campaign, Mexican photographer Dulce Pinzón created her own “hero” campaign of sorts, a visual one juxtaposing migrants as people possessing extraordinary talents in ordinary situations. Focused on Mexican migrants in New York City, Ms Pinzón’s “Superheroes” photography project portrayed a series of workers as superheroes, going about their daily activities. In the photo captions, she provides a short snapshot of each person, including where they are from in Mexico and the amount of money that send back each month.
Daily Development connected with Ms Pinzón to reflect on her project.

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24 August 2015
Partner post
What can we learn from financing refugee education in Lebanon?

With almost half of all of out-of-school children around the world living in conflict-affected countries, the international aid community is facing pressure to not only increase the amount of funding available in these settings but to also determine how to channel and sustain funding for high numbers of refugee children in protracted crisis areas like the Syrian refugee conflict.

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21 August 2015
Contributor post

Today, Daily Development speaks to Nicole Bella, one of the authors of the Education for All Global Monitoring Report, about the prospects of Education for All in the post-2015 era.

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