31 July 2015
Partner post
How can we prevent the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals from failing?

What does implementing the SDGs involve? How can we guard against failure, and strengthen the odds that we will achieve the sustainable and just future envisioned in the SDGs?

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30 July 2015
Partner post
Monitoring progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals

Success in attaining the SDGs will rest, in part, on how well efforts can be guided and where resources are directed. If the international community can agree on a reliable indicator framework and commit to on-going monitoring, progress towards the goals can be tracked, and implementation actions can be evaluated and refined.

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29 July 2015
Contributor post
Hoping to put every child in the world in school by 2030

A transformative vision for education over the next 15 years was adopted at the World Education Forum, held in May 2015 in Incheon, Republic of Korea. The Incheon Declaration encourages countries to provide inclusive, equitable and quality education and life-long learning opportunities for all. It will underpin the education targets in the sustainable development goals that will be ratified at the United Nations in September. We talk to Jordan Naidoo from the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization about the education vision for the next 15 years.

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28 July 2015
Contributor post
Beauty and the feast: how a culinary start-up promotes the use of ‘misfit’ produce to tackle food waste

According to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), one third of food produced for human consumption is lost or wasted globally; that is, about 1.3 billion tonnes per year. In developed countries, some 300 million tonnes of edible fruit and vegetables get discarded annually because they do not meet retailers’ or consumers’ standards for the “perfect” looking produce. This wasted food would be sufficient to feed the more than 800 million people who do not have enough food to lead a healthy life.

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27 July 2015
Partner post
Leave no one behind

Unless there are last minute upsets—less and less likely following a mostly successful financing conference, but always possible—two years of hard work on the sustainable development goals essentially come to an end very soon.

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