11 August 2015
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The Draft Updated UNAIDS Strategy: Why You Should Take a Look and Comment

Last month Médecins Sans Frontières commented that, based on all the recent scientific advances in HIV, now is the time to "hit the accelerator to save lives and stop this virus." But what will it take to speed up and improve the reach of prevention and treatment delivery while minimizing stigma

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10 August 2015
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Civil society: A key partner for post-2015 development agenda in Asia

At the dawn of the new post-2015 agenda, it is time to take action to ensure that civil society has the space to play its part to the fullest.

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07 August 2015
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3 challenges facing the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals

In September, the United Nations’ General Assembly is set to adopt the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), a highly anticipated event in global development. The Open Working Group has been crafting a comprehensive package of goals and targets that can drive global efforts towards a sustainable and poverty-free world by 2030. However, the soon-to-be-adopted SDGs are likely to fail unless far more attention is given to addressing governance challenges crucial to their implementation.

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06 August 2015
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5 things needed to turn the SDGs into reality

Now that the sustainable development goals are — in the main — agreed, what needs to happen to turn this global manifesto into a national policy agenda? The clock to SDG attainment will start ticking 1 January 2016. Here are five things that will be important to ensure the much-debated goals and targets — and the overarching vision of a new future for everyone — actually start to be implemented.

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05 August 2015
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Ebola: “Losing track means losing lives”

In major crises – whether earthquakes, floods or disease outbreaks – countries need reliable support in financial and other terms. Disasters require quick responses from private charities, state agencies and donors in general. Efficiency and coordination matter to help where help is needed most.

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04 August 2015
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Education in the Outcome Document on Post-2015 Development Goals

What does this final outcome document have to say about education? The outcome document is certainly ambitious, and envisages ‘a world with universal literacy… A world with equitable and universal access to quality education at all levels’.

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03 August 2015
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UN states agree post-2015 sustainable development agenda

United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has praised UN Member States for reaching agreement on the draft outcome document that will constitute the new sustainable development agenda, which will be formally adopted by world leaders in New York this September.

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