20 August 2015
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How to engage the private sector in development

As the development agenda turns toward inclusive growth, participatory decision-making and innovative partnerships, the demand has grown for private sector participation in the discovery of viable solutions. One powerful tool for propelling this participation is public–private dialogue, a structured approach to inclusive policymaking. Public–private dialogue facilitates agreement on many vital goals, among them improving the business climate, raising competitiveness and sustaining growth.

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19 August 2015
Contributor post
A green growth perspective in the post-2015 era

Established in 2010, the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) is a member-based international organization founded to support developing and emerging countries in the transition to greener, sustainable and low-carbon economies. GGGI works with governments to help them achieve their growth goals of real inclusive and sustainable change for their people and the environment. Daily Development spoke to the institute’s Director-General, Yvo de Boer, on the importance of sustainability in the post-2015 period.

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18 August 2015
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World Humanitarian Day: Inspiring the World's Humanity

On 19 August, the anniversary of the 2003 bombing of the United Nations headquarters in Baghdad, Iraq, we celebrate humanitarians around the world. In an effort to build a global sense of momentum, the United Nations will call on its Messengers of Humanity to take an important social action and share it social networks, in order to amplify the message.

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14 August 2015
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In crops we trust

Saving the world’s crops is no small task, yet the Global Crop Diversity Trust is trying to do just that. Created in 2004 by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and CGIAR, a consortium of international agricultural research centres, the Crop Trust works to support the implementation of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture. Commonly known as the Seed Treaty, it aims to ensure food security through the conservation, exchange and sustainable use of the world’s crop diversity. Leading the Crop Trust’s efforts is Marie Haga, Executive Director since March 2013.

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13 August 2015
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15 achievements on global partnerships

Aid increased to £86bn in 2013, access to mobile phones globally has reached 95%, and debt relief has been granted to many poor countries. Read more

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12 August 2015
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International Youth Day: we need to give young people a voice in decision-making

The UN’s annual International Youth Day serves as a reminder that young people around the world are often relegated to the sidelines and excluded from having a say in decisions that will affect them.

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